Heavy rainfall events, especially those that develop rapidly and unexpectedly, can lead to catastrophic impacts in both remote regions and densely populated areas. In the past, much of the effort to examine the potential for and the results of a dam failure, have been focused exclusively on dams in urbanized communities. Additionally, Emergency Action Plans (EAPs) for critical dam infrastructure relied on current flood conditions and signs of failure prior to notifying emergency personnel and the population at risk. Owners and/or operators were responsible for real-time assessment, typically on-site, despite many dams being difficult to reach during rainfall events and potentially dangerous to inspect.
Now, with advances in our understanding of rainfall-runoff response and accuracy of forecasts related, long-term flood forecasts and impact predictions are possible. Applied Weather Associates (AWA) is currently collaborating with dam owners and regulators to develop highly accurate datasets for enhanced EAPs that include historic (50- to 100-year storm and flood events) up to the Probable Maximum Precipitation (PMP) and Probable Maximum Flood (PMF) events.
By evaluating prior events, models can determine the likely response of watersheds, the threat to the public, and the potential loss of critical infrastructure. By pre-determining the impacts of various return-frequency rainfall events, mitigation measures can be evaluated for multiple scenarios in advance. Additionally, water surface elevations and inundation mapping can be created with confidence limits for forecasted events. Predictions can be modified in real-time as an event approaches.
Data for these models is available from quality-controlled sources and many of the models have already been approved by regulators internationally. The key is to combine weather prediction, the reaction of watersheds to the prior events, and the best available data along impacted river and stream corridors. This includes the integration of the Elysium Technology Water Sensor Suite (WSS). This unique sensor system, about the size of a shoebox, it incredibly cost effective, energy efficient, and simple to install in any location. It uses satellite communications, solar power, rugged housing, the ability to work with various sensors to produce secure data transmission through an intuitive customizable dashboard.
The platform offers data from any location to confirm forecast models, reporting flood flows and rain volumes, checking river and lake depths, and transmitting other data critical to public safety and operations.
This presentation will describe implementation of this suite of processes to monitor watershed and evaluate dam safety in many locations world-wide.