Graduate Engineer (EIT)
Jones and DeMille Engineering
Payson, Utah
Shelby Koldewyn is a graduate engineer at Jones and DeMille Engineering with 3 years of experience designing a variety of civil engineering projects including water and sewer piping systems, dam spillways, municipal tanks, booster pump stations, and master plans. She specializes in water resource projects and advanced modeling techniques. Shelby's modeling efforts support innovative design within her team and empower her clients to make informed decisions and plan for future improvements that benefit the people in their community. She holds a master’s degree from Utah State University (USU), specializing in Hydraulics, Hydrology, and Water Resources. While at USU, Shelby worked as a research assistant at the Utah Water Research Laboratory, acquiring hands-on skills with nonlinear spillways, physical modeling, and applying computational fluid dynamics (CFD) to real-world problems. In her free time, Shelby enjoys outdoor adventures such as camping and hiking, exploring the world alongside her husband and daughter.
Wednesday, September 25, 2024
9:30 AM – 9:45 AM MT