Professional Engineer - Geotechnical Engineering department
Pointe-Lebel, Quebec, Canada
Joël Brien is a geotechnical engineer for Hydro-Québec with 10 years of experience. During the first 4 years of his career at Hydro-Québec, he worked as a field engineer participating in the construction of 10 large embankment dams and dikes for the Romaine Hydro development located in Eastern Quebec. His implication in this large-scale project also included the monitoring and field inspection of the dams and dikes during first filling of the reservoirs. From then on, his career has mostly focused on rehabilitation projects for which critical geotechnical investigations were required. He is currently implicated and dedicated to an important foundation rehabilitation project located in Eastern Quebec, Canada. For this project, he has developed several Site Specific Interventions Plans to mitigate the risk associated with performing intrusive geotechnical investigations in what is considered to be a particularly challenging site.
Wednesday, September 25, 2024
9:30 AM – 10:00 AM MT