Marin Water
I'm currently the Director of Engineering at the Marin Municipal Water District located in Marin County just north of San Francisco. Marin Municipal Water District was the first water district established in the state of California in 1912 and has infrastructure dating back to 1878. Our water District manages 7 dams, 3 treatment plants, over 900 miles of pipe, 130 water storage tanks and over 90 pump stations to provide water to our 191,000 customers in our service area. MMWD manages a medium size portfolio of various types of infrastructure. I have been project manager on critical projects for Marin Water including the installation of a 3Mw emergency generator at our San Geronimo Treatment Plant; the replacement of the 8,700 ft long Pine Mountain Tunnel constructed in 1918 with new two 2 million gallon water storage tanks. I've also participated in routine dam inspections with the Diviison of Dam Safety and provided follow up action on items to address such as replacement of down stream scour valves, repairs of intake structure actuators and vegitation managment.
CS19B - Concurrent Session 19B: Getting to Know Our Dams
Tuesday, September 24, 2024
11:00 AM – 11:30 AM MT