Strategic Communication Specialist
US Army Corps of Engineers, Maryland
Katie is the Strategic Communication Specialist for the U.S. Army Corps of Engineers (USACE) Dam and Levee Safety and Section 408 Programs. In this role, Katie is responsible for leading the direction of communication within these three programs and supports development of policy, resources, and training that promote successful communication and engagement. Katie joined USACE in 2012 and has since focused on designing communication initiatives from start to finish. She's been focused on improving communication practice since the start - having joined USACE as a student and completing a thesis study on how USACE's definition of risk affects its interactions with audiences and communication design. Katie has a M.A. in English, Professional Writing and Rhetoric, and a B.A. in English, Creative Writing.
Tuesday, September 24, 2024
9:30 AM – 10:00 AM MT